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How to remove a stuck ring

How to remove a stuck ring - How to remove a stuck ring. Rings are inseparable objects of anyone, especially women. In some cases, the ring is stuck and cannot be removed, such as when gaining weight, having a baby, or accidentally wearing a slightly tight ring.

Here are some simple tips for safely and painlessly removing your ring:

1. Rotate the ring back and forth gently to remove it slowly with your index finger and thumb as shown below. Be careful not to rotate too many times as this will cause skin irritation and swelling of the fingers. Gently rotate the ring to take it out slowly.

Gently rotate the ring to take it out slowly

Gently rotate the ring to take it out slowly

2. Apply lubricant to the finger to remove the ring: Soap, shampoo, lotion, cooking oil, grease, butter, wax.

Use lubricant to remove the ring

Use lubricant to remove the ring

3. Soak your hand in cold water for a few minutes and then gently remove the ring. Soak your hands in cold water

Soak your hands in cold water

Soak your hands in cold water

4. Use dental floss around the ring finger and thread it under the ring to remove the ring.

Thread the floss between the ring and the finger

Thread the floss between the ring and the finger

Wrap the floss around the knuckles

Wrap the floss around the knuckles

Pull the floss to remove the ring

Pull the floss to remove the ring

In case you have used all the ways and still can't get it out, you should go to a jeweler to have a ring cutter with specialized pliers.

After removing the ring from your finger, you should do the following:

  • Wipe your ring finger clean and check for scratches
  • Do not wear the ring again until the ring size is adjusted
  • If the hand is swollen, you have to wait until it is completely healed before wearing the ring.
Source: Wikihow
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