10 years, 24 countries on 5 continents, 10 countries in Europe, and 18 states in the USA 10 years, 24 countries on 5 continents, 10 countries in Europe, and 18 states in the USA

Customer Testimonials

AME Jewelery is amazing!

AME Jewelery is amazing!

AME Jewelery is amazing! I always feel comfortable when shopping for jewelry at AME. Products here are very beautiful, enthusiastic advice, fast delivery, meet the needs of customers. I am very satisfied with the working style of AME.

Thanh Hong Loan, Tay Ninh

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AME's jewelry is delicate and luxurious

AME's jewelry is delicate and luxurious

With a sophisticated but luxurious way of thinking, AME's jewelry products have met the expectations and favorites of ladies and gentlemen. Products that give women a choice when they need to be more beautiful. I choose AME's Pearl and Gemstone line to make myself more beautiful, more luxurious and love myself more!

Nguyen Thi Mai, Hoa Sen University

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