10 years, 25 countries on 5 continents, 11 countries in Europe, and 18 states in the USA 10 years, 25 countries on 5 continents, 11 countries in Europe, and 18 states in the USA

Natural Sagenitic / Rutile Quartz & Strawberry Quartz

Natural Sagenitic / Rutile Quartz & Strawberry Quartz

Natural Sagenitic / Rutile Quartz is a type of Quartz (SiO 2 - Silicon Dioxide) containing needle inclusions of the mineral Rutile (TiO 2 - Titanium Dioxide) or Tourmaline, Actinolite forming bun-like inclusions, so called Quartz. Venus Hair Stone - Venus Hair Stone. Each stone is unique with beautiful patterns like miniature sculptures.

This gemstone is also known as Angel Hair Quartz, Venus Hair Stone, Golden Rutilated Quartz, Rutilquarz, and Sagenitic Quartz.

The origin of the name Rutile Quartz comes from the Latin word "rutile", which is rutile, meaning red according to the color of the first quartz stones found.

Rutile Quartz is called Angel Hair Quartz because of the ethereal sparkle of the fibers incorporated in the stone. The ancient Greeks referred to this stone as Venus Hair Quartz / Aphrodite Hair Quartz.

In Japan, Quartz is the ancient symbolic stone of the breath of the White Dragon.

Amethyst has been popular in jewelry in Europe since the 19th century. In the second half of the 20th century, Bernd Munsteiner and his gem-cutting sharpeners created fantasy cuts in unexpected creations. break.

rutile quartz Rutilated Quartz Sculpture, Bernd Munsteiner. Photo by Robert Weldon/JIAN

  • Venus Hair Stone - Golden / Yellow Rutile Quartz: Blonde Quartz with a golden bun-like inclusion of needles.
  • Red Rutile Quartz: Red Hair Quartz with a red bun-like inclusion of needles.
  • Black Rutile Quartz: Black Hair Quartz with a black bun-like needle inclusion.
  • Star Rutile Quartz: are quartz stones where rutile grows in six directions radiating from a central point, creating a star-like pattern, most sought after and valued by collectors.
  • Strawberry Quartz: is a gemstone of the Sagenitic Quartz group, containing acicular or needlelike inclusions such as hematite, lepidocrocite or goethite that impart a red color. Strawberry Quartz is also known as Lepicrosite in Quartz, Harlequin Quartz, Hematoid Quartz, Furruginous Quartz, Scarlet Quartz, Red Quartz, Cherry Quartz, Fire Quartz.

Supplies are in Australia, the United States, Brazil, Russia, Pakistan, India and Madagascar.

Rutilated Quartz has a chemical formula of SiO2 (Silicate), a hardness of 6 to 7 Mohs.

Colorless Rutile Quartz contains metallic inclusions of Red, Orange, Gold, Brown, Black, Silver, Gray, Green, and Multi-color.

Natural Sagenitic / Rutile Quartz, Strawberry Quartz by AME Jewellery is tested by SJC Lab and SBJ Lab.

Source: Rutile Quartz - GIA & Strawberry Quartz - GIA , Strawberry Quartz - Gemselect & Rutile Quartz - Gemselect

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